Basic Photo Editing
VOCAB - contrast, saturation, midtones, shadows, lights
After you've taken your pictures from the previous lesson, you're going to learn how to do some basic photo editing in Photoshop. Choose 3 photos from your 10 that you would like to adjust the lighting in, and follow the steps below to complete this assignment.
Open Your Image in Photoshop
1. Open Photoshop. In Photoshop go to File, then Open... Find your folder and double-click the photo you're going to edit.
2. Open Recent let's you look at a list of the previous files that were opened. Later you can use this to quickly open files you're working on.
Pictures With Bad Lighting
1. Click Image, then Adjustments, then Levels.
2. Preset - Sometimes just using a quick pre-set can be enough!
3. Adjustment Sliders - Shadows is on the left, midtones center, and lights are on the right. Slide them to change the levels in your image.
4. Output Levels - these sliders basically adjust the brightness and contrast of the entire image.
After you've adjusted your the lighting on your photo go to the next assignment, Saving Files in PS.