
yearbook jobs & grading

Assignments and grades in Yearbook work a little differently than most classes in school. Since we are a large team working together to create a real product for customers that pay real money there isn't much room for slacking off and not working. If you don't do your work for the Yearbook that means someone else has to do it. Not knowing how to do something is not an excuse. Try to figure it out and ask for help if you need it.

Assigned Work

Assigned work are assignments listed under the different quarters at the top of this page. These are mostly tutorials and lessons that everyone has to do. Approximately half your points come from these.

freelance Work

Freelance work are assignments that relate to your job in the Yearbook. You must keep track of these assignments using your Freelance Tracking Sheet. Freelance jobs can be found in the list below. Use this list any time you write down a job you have completed. If it's not on the list below ask before writing it down. 

freelance jobs

NOTE: The points below are the maximum amount you can earn. Your actual points received may vary based on the quality of your work. Don't like a grade? Ask to do revisions and earn more points.

Photos - 20 points

20 points for each photo accepted for use in the yearbook. Photos must have good lighting, more than one person, and people should be close enough to see their faces. To get the full 20 points for each photo you must also sort and organize your photos. This means choose only the best photos, upload and review them with the teacher, and then put them in the proper folders online.

Page Layout - 75 pts per completed page

Points for a page layout are received AFTER you finish a page in the Yearbook. Page layout points do not include the points you would get from taking photos, writing captions, or creating a background.

Captions - 10 pts each

Captions are short descriptions that tell what's going in a photo, and will often include the names of the people in the photos. Captions must have ZERO errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If someone else has to fix or rewrite your captions you lose the points for them.

Dedication Page - 250 pts

You will get 250 points for completing the dedication page. This includes writing the dedication and taking the photos.

Designing an Ad - varies

You will earn points if you design an ad for the Yearbook. This includes business ads and Senior dedication pages.

Selling an Ad - varies

You will earn points if you sell an ad for the Yearbook. This includes business ads and Senior dedication pages. You will need an order form and envelope to sell ads

Yearbook Cover - 500 pts

Design the Yearbook cover and you will get up to 500 points if it's used.

Selling Yearbooks - 50 pts each

Sell someone a Yearbook, including yourself, and you'll get 50 points. Ask the teacher for a sales envelope.

Backgrounds - 50pts

Create an original background for your page/s. If it is approved and used in the yearbook you will earn 50pts. Backgrounds should measure 8.5x11 inches, have a resolution of 300 pixels per inch, and be in RGB color.

Running Errands/Helping/Other Jobs - varies

You can earn points for doing helpful tasks like making copies, organizing old yearbooks, or any other jobs. Theses jobs are usually worth around 25 to 100 points depending on how hard they are or how long they take.