Creating Icons in Photoshop

You will now create at least 4 digital versions of your icons. You can do more if you want, but 4 is the minimum. Carefully read and follow the steps below to complete this assignment. When you reach the end you will see how to turn them in for a grade. Each icon is worth 25 points for an assignment total of 100 points.

For students who painted their own image proceed to this tutorial.


Go to File>New and use the settings on the left.

If your menu doesn't look the same go to the image below and read the instructions.

To see the New File menu above go to Edit>Preferences>General and turn on the option you see in the picture called Use Legacy "New Document" Interface.


On the left is your tool bar. Look towards the bottom and select the Rectangle Tool. It is above the hand tool.

NOTE: If someone used a different shape you may have to hold down the left mouse button to select the sub-menu and get the Rectangle tool.


Draw a rectangle that fits inside the white space you created. That white area is your actual image.

You can adjust your rectangle by resizing it from the little handles on the edges and corners.

Click one of the circles towards the corner, and drag it to make your corners rounded.


You can change the color of your rectangle by clicking the Fill option towards the top of the screen.

Then click the Color Picker towards the top right of that menu.


You may notice an outline around your rectangle. This is called a stroke. For this project you will turn that off.

Simply click the little triangle/arrow next to the stroke option and mover the slider down to 0.00. You can also just type in 0.00.


Now go to Window menu at the top and select Styles from the list.

When the Styles menu opens click the small lines in the top right corner of the menu. You'll see a menu like the one in the picture. Choose Legacy Styles and More.

You will see a new folder appear with the same title. Open that folder and continue until you find the a folder called Glass Buttons. Choose one of the styles from there.


After adding your shape and style you should see all the effects on your shape layer.

The options for those layer effects can be accessed by double-clicking on the effect. Each one has it's own set of options. Feel free to adjust these however you like.

You can also add and delete layers with the buttons at the bottom of layers menu.

You will name the other ones yourname_icon2, yourname_icon3, yourname_icon4.

Turning in Your Assignment

When you're finished with your icons make sure they're named correctly, and then go to this folder on the Google Drive and make a new folder with your name on it. Upload your 4 icons to your folder. For the rest of your icons repeat this process, but change the number at the end.Â