Balance is the equal distribution of visual weight in a design. Visual balance occurs around a vertical axis; our eyes require the visual weight to be equal on the two sides of the axis. We are bilateral creatures and our sense of balance is innate. When elements are not balanced around a vertical axis, the effect is disturbing and makes us uncomfortable.
Symmetrical, or formal balance, is also known as bilateral symmetry. It is created by repeating the reverse of a design on the opposite side of the vertical axis; each side, in essence, becomes the mirror image of the other. Symmetrical balance is considered formal, ordered, stable and quiet. It can also be boring. Symmetrical balance is often used in architecture.
sample by Nolan Roth
While symmetry achieves balance through repetition, asymmetry achieves balance through contrast. Asymmetrical, or informal balance, involves different elements that have equal visual weight; the weight is equal but the elements are not identical.Â
sample by Miyah Vila
Visual weight is influenced by:
Position - the further out an element is from the center, the heavier it will feel; a large object placed near the center can be balanced by a smaller object placed near the edge
Size - larger feels heavier
Texture - an element with more complex texture is heavier visually than one with a simple texture or no texture at all
Isolation - an isolated element has more visual weight
Value - darker feels heavier
Value contrast - the higher the value-contrast, the heavier the weight
Quantity - multiple small objects can balance one larger object
Orientation - a diagonal orientation carries more visual weight than a horizontal or vertical one
Shape - elements that have more complex shapes feel heavier than those with simple shapes
Color - the brighter and more intense its color, the heavier the element will feel
Asymmetrical balance is casual, interesting and more dynamic than symmetrical balance.
Using Photoshop and the tools you've learned in other lessons you will create two designs, a symmetrical and asymmetrical one.
A symmetrical design that measures 8 x 8 inches with a resolution of 300. Your design may be abstract like the examples above. You may also use text or textures as well as simple shapes. In addition, pay attention to the colors you use and follow what we learned from the color theory lesson.
An asymmetrical design that measures 8 x 8 inches with a resolution of 300. Your design may be abstract like the examples above. You may also use text or textures as well as simple shapes. In addition, pay attention to the colors you use and follow what we learned from the color theory lesson.
When finished save your files as JPEGs and name them yourname_asymmetrical and yourname_symmetrical. Upload them to your folder on the Google Drive.