Color Theory

Choose one of the color combinations above. You can only use those colors and their tints and shades to create an abstract design.

Create a New document in Photoshop with these settings:

width = 1280 pixels
Height = 1024 pixels
resolution = 72
color = RGB

Use the tools below to create your design.

The Gradient tool
NOTE: depending on the settings and version of Photoshop you have the menus may look different.

This tool is under the paint bucket on the tool bar. Hold the left mouse button down to access it.

Across the top of the window you'll see a few options for the this tool. Click the small gradient preview window to open other options.

There are different pre-made gradients, but you can also customize the colors in your gradient.

These menus will let you customize the gradient colors and type of gradient.

Try sliding the boxes and triangles above and below the Color Bar to see what they do.

Marquee Tool

This tool creates a selection. When this is used you can only draw, paint, etc. inside the moving lines.

Use this tool to create your various shapes in your abstract design.

Blur Filter

Use the blur filter to create a various types of blurs!

Each of these does something different. Experiment to see which ones you want to use.

Be careful though, just stick with one or two filters. Don't go overboard and use all of them!

When finished save a JPEG vesrion, name it yourname_colortheory, and upload it to your folder on the Google Drive.

Before saving double-check your File Handling Preferences.

Go to the top Edit menu, select Preferences at the bottom, then File Handling.

Then check to make sure Default save to cloud is unchecked.

Click Ok when you're done.

To save a JPEG or other file format choose Save As from the File menu.

Choose Save a Copy on the menu that pops up.

Under File Type choose the required format. For JPEG files use the one highlighted.