Photoshop Tutorials

Visit the website below and choose a tutorial that interests you and is at your skill level. You will receive up to 50 points for every successfully completed tutorial. You can do as many of these as you want. 

Tutorials for Adobe CC

Visit this website, Photoshop Essentials, for the tutorials. Be sure to scroll down to view all available tutorials. There are a lot to choose from! Some of the tutorials will have you download assets (images, fonts, etc.). If you need help downloading them please ask!!

When you're ready to turn it in you will click this link to visit the Yearbook Google Drive folder. If it's your first time on there make yourself a new folder by clicking the +New button on the top left. Choose the New Folder option and make a folder with your name. To upload click the +New button again and choose file upload. Find your tutorial image and upload it!.

Don't forget to write down the completed tutorial on your freelance sheet!