Vocab - symbol, symbolic, symbolic image, visual metaphor
What is this, and what is being communicated in this image?
What does this symbolize?
What does this symbolize?
What does this symbolize?
What does this symbolize?
What does this symbolize?
What does this symbolize?
What does this symbolize?
What does this symbolize?
visual metaphors
What is being communicated here? Explain your answer.
What does this picture tell us?
What is the message? Explain your answer.
What does this picture tell us?
Get into groups of 2 to 3 people. We will be watching slides with a word on them. Choose someone from each group to draw a image that symbolizes the word. You'll get 1 point for using a common symbol that others also draw. You'll get 2 points for a unique/creative symbol that no one else uses.