Communication Through Music
For this assignment you will analyze the words to a song. You will need to do some research to make sure the song meets the requirements below. Here are some tips for doing your research:
Read the song's lyrics.
Look for articles written about the meaning of the song.
The song will probably be about a person or event from history - read about this event or watch a video about it from a trusted source!
Once you've done the steps above you should be able to write some meaningful comments about the meaning of the song lyrics.
Find 1 song that you like. However, the song MUST meet the following requirements:
The lyrics must be written by the person singing or performing them.
The lyrics/song must make a some type of social or political commentary. If you're having a hard time finding a song you can pick one from this list - NOTE: make sure you do some research about the song you choose! I can't guarantee every song on that list will work for this assignment.
No generic pop, rock, rap, etc. A lot of this type of music does not have a deeper meaning behind the lyrics. Also, a lot of popular music is made to make money, and not made by an artist communicating their ideas.
Also, look for songs that have good metaphors, analogies, or symbolism. These will give you something good to analyze and discuss.
When you find your song copy the lyrics and paste them into a Google doc. Reformat the lyrics so they take up as little room as possible. (change the spacing, font size, etc.)
Go to File>Page Setup to change your top and bottom margins to .25 inches.
Change the line spacing by pressing Ctrl+A to select everything, then right-click and choose Clear Formatting.
While everything is selected you can also change the font size to 11.
Try to get the lyrics to fit on 1 page.
Share your reformatted lyrics with
Let's practice! Together we will look into the meaning of these lyrics.