Taking Care of Your Materials
It is important when you paint to take care of your materials. Below is what you need to know when painting. Use this information to take the quiz. You must get a 100% on the quiz before you're allowed to paint!
Don't take too much paint! You can always come back for more if you need it, but you can't get more if we run out.
Get plenty of water, and change it if it gets too dirty. If you get too much paint mixed in with the water it will make your colors muddy.
Keep paint brushes that have wet paint on them resting in water if you can't wash them right away.
Clean you brushes thoroughly before switching colors otherwise you will get muddy colors.
Don't leave brushes bristle side down after you clean them. Lay them flat or put them bristles up.
Thoroughly clean and wash your brushes, paint trays, and water cups when finished. Then place them up to dry in the drying rack.
If you make a mess clean it up!!!