Final Project - AI
Now that you've experimented with training an AI let's move on to what this technology could be used for.
How could image recognition like you trained be used in the real world to help or benefit people? For this project your goal is to come up with that idea, train and test the AI, and then present your findings to the class.
So how do you decide whether or not the AI is doing something helpful? Well lets look at the example of identifying ripe bananas. How or where could that be used to help? Well, check this article out!
Project Requirements
The following requirements are for a slideshow. You do not have to do a slide show, but your project needs to meet the following requirements:
A title slide with your project name and group members
An introduction to what problem your AI will be helping with. Example: humans sorting bananas can slow production and make more errors.
An explanation of how you think the AI will help. Example: using AI can speed up and increase the accuracy of the sorting process.
Photos or videos and descriptions of you training and testing the AI.
After training and testing you will write down your findings. This should at least include:
data about the accuracy of your AI
what mistakes it made and what it got right
how you corrected any errors the AI made
and whether or not you believe the AI would work for what you trained it for
Where do I start!
If you're confused grab a project planner from the teacher to help you get started!