Basic Coding With HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>


<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


Test your webpage by going to the folder you saved it in and double-clicking it. It should automatically open in your web browser.

Now using the samples of code below and the Important Tips webpage add the following elements to your web page:

IMPORTANT TIPS ---> Click Here

<html>: Marks the beginning and end of an HTML document

<head>: Contains information about the document's header, such as SEO, CSS links, scripts, and meta tags

<title>: Specifies the page's title

<body>: Contains the main content

<h1> to <h6>: Defines headings of different sizes

<p>: Defines a paragraph of text

<a href= "add link here">: Creates a hyperlink

<b>: Makes text bold

<strong>: Makes text bold with emphasis

<br>: Creates a break

<div>: A division or part of an HTML document

<i>: Makes text italic

<img>: Contains images in a document

<iframe>: embed another HTML document within your web page.

<audio> and <video>: embed audio and video content on your web page.

<canvas>: create a canvas element that can be used to draw graphics and animations.

<svg>: create scalable vector graphics that can be manipulated using CSS and JavaScript.

<datalist>: provide a list of options for an input field.

<meter> and <progress>: display a meter or progress bar on your web page.

<details> and <summary>: create an expandable section on your web page.

<figure> and <figcaption>: associate a caption with an image or other media.

<dialog>: create a modal dialog box that can be used for displaying messages.

<template>: define a block of HTML that can be cloned and inserted into the web page.