Sketchup Project
You will be creating a model of a real life object. It's important that whatever you choose to model is complex enough - no quick and easy objects!
You will need to bring in an object, use an object from the classroom, or take photos of an object from different angles. Your object must be school appropriate.
Turning in Your Final Project
When you're ready to turn in your model you will need to export 3 different angles of it as a 3 different 2D images. Make sure you position the camera so you export a good view of your model similar to the sample images below.
Name the 3 2D images you exported as yourname_object1, yourname_object2, and yourname_object_3.
You will also need to include an image of the object you modeled. If it was online image download it, if it was a real object take a photo with your phone. Name this image yourname_ref.
Upload your final images to your folder on the Google Drive.
Finding Reference Images Online
If you do a Google search and add the word orthographic to it you will find images similar to the one on the left.
Object Examples and the grades they would receive.
This model would get a D, maybe. While they did a decent job of modeling the real tape dispenser, it isn't very complex. The 3D model is essentially a box with a cylinder.
This Minecraft house by Cogoro Okanishi got an A. He even used the actual textures from Minecraft.
This would be an A, and it's not actually as hard as it looks. If you look closely you'll see mostly cylinders, cubes. From these basic shapes the smaller details have been extruded (pulled out) with the push/pull tool. The arms and legs only need to be made once, then you can just duplicate them.
Want to do an interior room? Here's what your model should look like. Be sure if you do this you use a real room and take photos from different angles. Even though there's not a lot of detail or complexity, this model would get an A. That's because it's creator really focused on getting the proportions correct.
How about a house! Just like the room, you'll need to have photos of the different sides of the house. This model would get an A.
This model of a beach ball would get you an F.